Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Chrislike Examples

I’m blessed to work in the Primary organization at church which is for children 3 – 12 years of age. I’m on a sort of perma-subbing assignment until a teacher is called for the 7 year old class. This past Sunday I planned ahead (I know, shocker) and had printouts ready. The only problem I had is that I printed 6 hondouts and had 7 children. I asked one little girl, W, to take a copy to the library to get another made and asked B to wait just a moment. Another little boy, we’ll call him B2, took his paper to B and told him he could have it and that he would wait for the other copy to be made. So sweet.

Then in singing time, I had a few children I had called to be helpers and hold some pictures to help us learn a new song. Handsome little D came up to me after he had been there a minute or two and tried to get my attention. The adult in me came out and I tried to get him back into his spot. He was insistent that he speak to me, and I’m so glad he did. When I FINALLY paid attention, he told me that a little girl, L, had not had a turn and that he wanted her to hold his picture in his place.

These kids amaze me!! They so often want to help and I hear a LOT of me-me-me’s! It was so wonderful to see such excellent examples of Christlike love and concern for others. I’m using the examples of these two valiant young men as my example this week of how I need to improve.

And in case I haven’t said it in a while, I LOVE these children in Primary and love these callings I have!!

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