Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What I Wish I Could Say

There are days when I have no words to express how or what I feel. Today as I perused the blogging world, I came across this video on Stephanie Nielsen's site. Though I'm not a wife or mother at this time, the thoughts she expresses couldn't be more true for myself. What she describes as everyday life is the life I desire most.

Until then, though, we carry on. We live the life we're in, we make decisions that will hopefully bring us closer to our goals and to the people we want to be. 

As I sit at my desk, I watch a bird sitting on the power line outside my window. As he flies away into the bright, blue sky, I feel my heart take flight, I feel as if I'm soaring. My mind begins to move, my dreams awaken again. Moving to Georgia has given me new perspective and brought more joy to my life than almost any other decision I've made thus far in my life. Today, I feel as if I'm that little bird, taking off and soaring above everything!

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