Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What matters most

As I was blog-stalking today, I came across this touching story. This family is dealing with loss...4 months ago it was their son, Noah. Now, it is their husband/father, Aaron.
In case you've lost's all about family. I don't want to let another minute go before I tell my dad that he's my hero and that I hope I marry someone just like him, or that I look up to the example of my mother and that I'm becoming more like her everyday. I want to tell my sister that even though she's younger, I am so incredibly influenced by her and I'm impressed by how wonderful she is. I seriously want to be like her when I grow up. I want my older siblings, their spouses, and children to know that even though I don't know them well (but that I'm getting to know better), I think of them often and love hearing of the things happening in their lives. I love seeing them with their families and hearing of their successes and joys. I'm proud of the things they've accomplished and who they are.
So, even though life gets busy, the demands of work bombard us and our family life gets hectic, remember that they are what matter most. Be grateful for every day that you have with them.

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