Today started out as one of those Mondays, and the sad
thing is that Sunday was really quite great. I felt myself slipping and I took
action and tried to steer myself away. And I thought I had done pretty well…and
then I woke up. I’m working day by day, week by week, to put an end to these
feelings. These dark feelings have no place in my life, not now, not ever! Dark
and light cannot exist in the same place at the same time!
Each time I do struggle with these feelings though, I
spend a lot of time praying which is a good thing (I could be doing who know
what, right??). My prayers during these times are usually quite simple. I state
what I know: that Heavenly Father knows me, that I love Him and that I really
do trust Him (despite the worry I cause myself…I’m a work in progress), and
that I know that He loves me and He has a plan for my life. I ask for help:
simple peace and comfort, a calming of my mind and spirit. Every single time He
answers me. He answers ME! Sometimes he sends something to make me smile and
lift my spirits. Some days it’s a friend with encouraging words. Sometimes it’s
the lyrics to a song. It can be a million things, but it always answers my
plea. It doesn’t always come right away, but it always comes!
Today it was multiple things. It was a phone call from my
dear friend, Shelly, who I’m travelling to see next week. She always knows what
to say to lift me up. 20 minutes after that it was an email from my missionary
friend, Kadi, who informed me she is allowed to email now. She wrote EXACTLY
what I needed to hear (seriously it was as if I had written all the troubles I
had and she was responding). It was what I knew all along; it was Heavenly
Father’s way of reminding me He’s still in charge. And then it was me walking
back to my office after lunch, enjoying the sunshine (despite the arctic type
wind that has decided to descend on southeast Georgia) and the words to the
hymn “The Lord is my Light” popped in my head and I had to sing. I just kept
singing over and over “The Lord is my Light, my all and in all. There is in his
sight no darkness at all.” I needed that! The Lord is my Light. It is through
Him I am able to do all things. I may have these dark moments, but they don’t
define me and they don’t trap me (at least not like they used to). So please
don’t mind me if you catch me singing. More than likely there is sunshine in my
soul coming out in song.
1. The Lord is my light; then why should I fear?
By day and by night his presence is near.
He is my salvation from sorrow and sin;
This blessed assurance the Spirit doth bring.
The Lord is my light;
He is my joy and my song.
By day and by night he leads,
He leads me along.
2. The Lord is my light; tho clouds may arise,
Faith, stronger than sight, looks up thru the skies
Where Jesus forever in glory doth reign.
Then how can I ever in darkness remain?
3. The Lord is my light, the Lord is my strength.
I know in his might I’ll conquer at length
My weakness in mercy he covers with pow’r,
And, walking by faith, I am blest ev’ry hour.
4. The Lord is my light, my all and in all.
There is in his sight no darkness at all.
He is my Redeemer, my Savior, and King.
With Saints and with angels his praises I’ll sing.
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