I just wanted to post a couple of pictures of how I'm tracking my 2013 goals/bucket list. I give you "The Goal Wall":
I used PowerPoint to create a presentation to track my miles, a slide of "Go-get-'em quotes, and then a slide for each month. On the monthly slides, I have included a motivational quote of the month, then I have outlined where I should be each month to accomplish my reading of the standard works this year, I have a space listed for how many miles I walk monthly (just another way to track it), and then one item either from my bucket that can be completed within the month or a project or other activity I want to do. I have never felt like I've had more of a purpose in my life than I do at this time.
I am gaining such a testimony of not being idle in life. It sure is easy to sit on the couch and watch tv, or to just sit and do nothing. I'm not opposed to watching tv, in fact I enjoy it a great deal when I find something good on, or when I'm working out, or while I'm cooking in the kitchen (you get the idea), but I'm really trying (and succeeding pretty well, I might add) to limit the amount of time I ever "just sit", tv or not. I have 24 hours every day, just like everyone else. These goals I've set for myself take quite a bit of time and a lot of committment. So, I've had to take control of my time and discipline myself better. I get up between 5:45 and 6:00 AM (yes, A.M.) just to walk because I don't want to put it off until the end of the day...I know myself and my good intentions. :) In order to stay on track with my reading, I need to read about 7 pages per day. I try to read on my lunch break or at other times when I have a few minutes to spare. Whatever I haven't finished during the day, I read when I get to bed (turns out I L-O-V-E reading in bed. *SIDENOTE: I'm currently reading President Thomas S. Monson's biography "To the Rescue". AMAZING!! He is so amazing!! I highly recommend it...HIGHLY).
I'm reminded of a talk I've listened to a lot by John Bytheway entitled "Turn Off the TV and Get a Life". He talks about trading least productive time for most productive time. He tells of his experience of writing a book and trading his least productive time (10 pm - 12 am) for most productive time (6 am - 8 am...I think). I've sort of taken that approach, or more correctly, my goals have forced me into that. If I'm going to get up and exercise in the morning, I have to go to bed early. I'm not one of those people who can function on little sleep - I need all 8 hours (or at least 7 and then a good long nap over the weekend).
Not only is this plan strengthening my testimony of the need to be active in all aspects of life, it is helping me discover some talents I've not realized I had before, or that I've not spent much time developing. Additionally, since I'm focused on "becoming" and trying to put my life in line with the will of Heavenly Father, I'm more inclined not to damage my body or spirit. I'm more aware of what I'm putting in (physically, spiritually, etc.) and the effects it has on me. Without intending to, I've become closer to the spirit and feel/notice its promptings in my life so much more. And the amazing thing is that I've only been at this with this intensity for a WEEK!
I'm an advocate now for going and doing. Nephi had it right all along (to which I say, "Duh"). Stop wishing, or I might say stop dreaming, and start DOING! Have big dreams for yourself (that's how I got here), but don't put them on the shelf, don't limit yourself to "someday" - get to work and accomplish something with your life! (Do you feel motivated yet??) Start small and work up if you need. Just do something!! :) :) :)
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