Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Brownie S'more

There are some things you think of and wonder, "why didn't I think of that before??" This is one of those things for me! I introduce you to the brownie s'more! I totally cheated tonight, though what I ultimately have in mind is much more delicious I'm sure. This, however, is quick, tasty, and for dessert, is great on Points!!

I didn't go start a fire (the first modification I'd make next time), but the oven was hot and it worked just fine! Here's what you need:

1 full graham cracker (or 2 squares, whatever!)
1 Fiber One brownie
1 large marshmallow 

I broke the graham cracker in half first and laid it in an oven safe pan. On one half I laid the brownie, the other half got the marshmallow. I baked it at 400 degrees for roughly 5 minutes. You may want more or less...totally up to you! When it's finished, sandwich them together and voila, brownie s'more!! 

As shown, this is 5 WWPP!! 

I have a KILLER brownie recipe that I'd like to use next time, but I'm sure the points will be MUCH higher!! 


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