I know that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father, who loves us! I know that he sent His son, Jesus Christ to earth, to set the perfect example for us to follow. I know that Christ atoned for the sins of you and I, and all mankind! He was perfect and didn't "have" to do it, but he loved us enough to lay down his life so that we may repent and return home to our Father in Heaven. But even more than knowing that He died for us, I know that three days later He was resurrected and now he LIVES for us! I know that the young man, Joseph Smith, went into the Sacred Grove where he prayed with real intent, seeking for knowledge as to which church to join. I know that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ appeared to him, and they called him by name. I know that through him, the Lord restored His church on the earth, just as in bible times and other times through history. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, as well as the Bible. Both testify of Jesus Christ and His ministry, and that the Book of Mormon was translated by the Prophet Joseph by the power of God. I know that we are lead today by a prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. He leads and guides the church, but it is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and Christ is the head of His church. I know that we can receive revelation through the power of the Holy Ghost to guide and direct our lives, that he serves as the third member of the Godhead and his purpose is to testify of truth and help us also to return to Heavenly Father. I know that through priesthood authority, or the authority given by God to act in His name, families can be sealed to be together forever. I know that this life is not the beginning, nor is it the end. I know that we can repent and be forgiven of our sins and one day live with our Heavenly Father again, and that it will be a wonderful homecoming if we have chosen righteously. I know He loves me, and I love Him. I want to be a disciple of Christ, and help others to come to know Him as well.
There is so much more I want to write and that I feel in my heart, but just as I wouldn't be able to say everything I feel at the pulpit due to time constraints or the personal nature of my feelings, so I will end for now. But I do KNOW these things to be true. I have studied them out and prayed directly to my Heavenly Father to gain this knowledge for myself. I challenge you, wherever you are in your life, to pray to Heavenly Father to gain this knowledge for yourself. Read, study, pray. Pay the price to gain this knowledge. I certainly don't know everything, but these things I know. He loves me, and He loves you!
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