You just get photo overload on this one! After dropping LM off at school, I parked the car nearby, grabbed my phone so I had my walking music and took off. I had a list of things I wanted to do that day, so I only planned to walk a couple of miles so I could get home. I had my music, and the sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and the sound of the ocean called me further and further until I had walked along the beach from Swampscott, through Lynn, and all the way out Nahunt...a round trip of six miles. But with views like this, who needs to do lists anyway?
A nice gentlemand noticed me taking pictures and offered to get one of me in it.
This is the little crab I saw. The waves would roll in and push him further up the beach. As the water went back out, he would pop out of his shell and dig as quickly as he could to get into the sand, only to have the waves hit him again. I told LM that story and he asked me why I didn't help him. I guess I was trying to let nature take its course, I'm not sure. So now I feel a little bad about that too!
He wanted to make a welcome home surprise for his parents. He settled on chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. He drew a heart, wrote the word "love" and decorated it with plenty of sprinkles (I forgot to get a pic of the finished project).
And, for the record, I accidentally overbaked the cake (different oven than I was used to), but I couldn't say a thing...this little boy was SOOO proud of it. LOVE HIM!
This picture is for my own amusement. I forgot that in New England you don't have shopping baskets, buggies, or carts. You have carriages.
This is how I look to an 8 year old (see the sun on my face??) Not a bad shot.
Yes, this is the SAME game of Life that we started the day I got there. These are now his vehicles! Somehow my family disappeared in the game. I'm telling you, you've got to watch this kid...he's good. :)
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