Friday, April 26, 2013

I'm Losing It

I've been debating about whether or not to post this, but I'm way to excited not to share. When I started my journey of walking 500 miles in a year, that's all it was meant to be - no goals or ulterior motives. I just wanted to prove that I could do something HUGE in my life! On January 11 I figured that by walking so much, I just might lose weight and I decided that I should document this journey with pictures, just in case that was true.

On January 23rd, I had an "aha" moment. I had never really tried to lose weight. It was always something I wanted to do, but it was too daunting to me and I didn't know how to start. I also knew I wasn't really committed to it (if you're committed you find a way...and I hadn't yet). I figured that since I was TOTALLY committed to completing my walking goal, this year would be the best chance I would ever have at TRYING to lose weight.

So, I joined Weight Watchers online and let me tell you, I was hooked from the get go. I lost 8 pounds the first two weeks and then evened out and was steadily losing 1-2 pounds per week. This truly has been an amazing journey and continues to be. This is only the beginning.

Jan 11, 2013

 Feb 3, 2013
Mar 5, 2013

April 26, 2013

This week officially marked 20 pounds lost...TWENTY POUNDS!! I never thought I would be able to do this, but it was pretty easy! And I'm not done yet! I feel so good! I feel happy, I have energy, I am confident in my abilities to do the things I set my mind to. This also comes after working crazy hours, eating out more than I'd like (ah, work lunches), and vacations!

I have established new habits in my life. I rarely sit and watch TV without doing some sort of exercise. I try to be home every night before 8:15 so I still have time to get in a workout before bed. I eat really good food and have found (and invented) some really strange but delicious and healthy recipes. I've also started substituting foods so I can still eat great and get more. Instead of drinking skim milk in my smoothies, I drink almond milk. Instead of regular bread or tortillas, I eat pitas (AMAZING stuffed with a stick of string cheese, turkey pepperoni, and bell peppers). I have cut out a lot of sweets but still enjoy them as often as I allow myself (about once or twice a week), but the portions are a lot smaller and I generally choose to make it as healthy as possible. I even eat fish now...and like it (as long as it isn't too fishy). Basically, I eat whatever I want, whenever I want...I just have to "budget" and it has been AWESOME!!! I'm excited to see what the next three months bring!

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