Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Word Is...

Epiphany - a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something

I was talking on the phone with my dad the other day and I told him that I had had an epiphany. The conversation went something like this:
Me- "Dad, I had an epiphany"
Dad - "A what?"
Me - "Epiphany"
Dad - "A Tiffany??"
Me - "No - epiphany"
Dad - "Who's A Tiffany? Whose kid do you have?"
Me - "Not A Tiffany...epiphany - e.p.i.p.h.a.n.y"
Dad - "Oh...epiphany..."

We laughed and talked about my epiphany and the fact that I like to use "big" words in conversation. Then he said something like, "Don't use big words like that on your redneck father."

Which leads to the second word story. About three weeks ago I was talking with dad, again, and he was telling me a story about something that had happened. He was getting all worked up and was getting really animated during our conversation. At the end of the story, he said, "I can't believe he had the to do that." The moment he finished this sentence there was an almost audible gasp as he told me he had used a "big" word (for clarification..."big words" aren't so much big as they are not used frequently).

I love you, Dad...thanks for the fun stories!

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