Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving! Today has been filled with lots of yummy food, good times spent with family and friends, and reflection. I have been reflecting a lot on what I am grateful for (thought it was a good time for it), so I decided to share some of that list here.
In no particular order, I am thankful for...
Family who loves me unconditionally
Friends who accept me and my quirks, and there are a few
Music that brings joy to my heart
Sunshine that helps keep me sane
Daylight Saving Time which helps me appreciate the sun
Snow that occasionally causes a day off and lots of adventure
A place to call home
A job that allows me to make money
Children who let me be a kid myself; I L-O-V-E being around them
Opportunities to serve

The one thing that I am most grateful for is the knowledge that my Father in Heaven loves me and has a plan for my life. I love knowing that I am not alone in this life and that He is aware of me at all times, regardless of how I feel. I am glad that he has sent me family, friends, and sometimes complete strangers, to help me figure out all life has to offer.

Have a happy day thinking about the things you are grateful for. Hopefully we don't just do it one day a year.

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