Monday, March 2, 2009

Utah - day 3

Don't you just love how original these titles are? I mean, you can totally tell I sat here racking my brain for these ones. I figured I had better hurry and blog about yesterday or we'll be having a two for one special tomorrow.
Yesterday was a lot of fun! I found out how incredibly social, popular, and well-loved Lori is (although I already knew that). In the morning we went to their stake conference. It was weird to be back in a single/student ward and stake, but at the same time quite enjoyable. Their stake presidency was reorganized so one of the men from the presidency of the seventy(I never actually caught his name) and one of the members of the seventy (Elder Costa) were there and spoke. It was a great experience.
Once we got home we started making preparations for a party. Lori invited some of her friends and co-workers from freshman year over so I could see them again (I met most of them when I visited her last time). The party then grew into a few of her neighbors and by the time it was all said and done, I think most of her ward stopped by at some point. Ok, so that may actually be a bit of an exhaggeration, but we had over 40 people in this little apartment. It was such a hoppin' place that the party spilled out the front door and onto the balcony. It was a night of high energy and adventure. It was fun to see old friends, meet new ones, but mostly I had fun watching Lori be the awesome person/hostess that she is. She totally made everyone individually feel welcome. It was a great night. The only sad fact about last night was that it was so busy that I forgot to take any pictures. Oh well, I guess we don't have to have pictures of everything.
So, until tomorrow...

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